Saturday, 20 July 2013

Pirate Day

Ahoy, me hearties! Pirate day was a lot o' fun! We had lots o' great pirate-themed activities, includin' diggin' for buried treasure, makin' eye patches in arts and crafts, hikin' in search o' a pirate, lots o' swimmin' and three-legged races! We had a pirate scavenger hunt in th' evenin'! Each cabin group had to travel around camp to find 'n decipher all the clues, which eventually led them up to th' pool! Thar they discovered a scurvy pirate was holdin' our dear Kevin (our custodian) hostage! After a wee bit o' barterin' wit' the pirate and a swordfight, goodness prevailed, we freed Kevin 'n the scurvy pirate was made to walk the plank!

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